Hi Team,
As 2007 comes to a swift end....
Its time to reflect back on the year 2007.... in order to move forward in 2008.
Coming soon.... we will be offering a training class on "Goal Making"
(the art of not just setting goals.... but actually making the goals you set)
To speed up the "Goal Making" process.... I am asking you to start doing
a few things.
First.... reflect back over 2007 and make a list of everything that went right
for you this year, that you would like to see happen again in 2008.
Second.... reflect back over 2007 and make a list of things that did not go
the way you wanted to this year... and would like see occur in 2008
Third.... make a list of new goals (something you did not attempt in 2007)
that you definitely want to accomplish in 2008
Once you have these three list...... repeat the following out loud at least
7 times a day. (yes.... I am serious)
"I am a goal maker. I complete and achieve the written goals I set for myself.
I am the only person who can stop me from achieving anything that I want in
life. Success in all areas of my life is my choice. And I choose to be successful.
I am a success magnet. And I cheerfully share my success with others.
Every day I get healthier, wealther & wiser."
(if you are a Christian.... add... In Jesus mighty name" at the end)
For those of you who take the above seriously.... it will speed up your Goal Making
process. And give you a head start when we have the upcoming "Goal Maker" training
Remember.... if you want to accomplish new things in 2008,
you have to be willing to do new things you did not do in 2007.
The Faculty at MentorsClub.com is here to help you live your ultimate life.
Blessings, Dr. Reggie Cochran PhD DCH CPMA DD
If not you.... who?
If not a dream... what?
If not right now.... when?
If not from home..... where?
If not with Mentors Club.... how?
You can start creating your dream life right now,
from the comfort of your home, with Mentors Club's help.