Monday, April 20, 2009

One of the most important questions to ask....

Hi Team,
Since there are many ways to recruit people into a business like Mentors Club, there is one important question to ask yourself before starting sharing Mentors Club with others.
Is the successful way I am sharing Mentors Club with others, a way that most of these people can use as well?  In other words... can they realistically do what / how you are doing to build your business?
You see.... people usually believe that in order to build their business they must approach people the same way you approached them.
Chances are if your business is based on being able to spend a larger amount of money on advertising or it is based on your awesome sales skills, it is actually hurting your business. Most people will not spend large amounts of money in advertisement and they will not develop professional sales skills.
So... always ask make sure that you can teach your Strategic Partners to do what you do and that they are ready and willing to do it. If not.... change what you are doing. Yes... even if it works... find another way to be successful. You will thank yourself for it in the long run. And you will even be surprised at how you will still continue to bring in new members. And even more surprised how fast your Partners are bringing in new Partners. In other words.... they are duplicating.
This is a We Biz.... Not a Me Biz.... and it is about everyone doing a little. Not a few people constantly doing a lot. Go Team Bare Feet!
Dr. Reggie Cochran Ph.D. DCH CPMA DD
"I became a World Champion in my field. I
can help you become a Champion in yours"

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